…you didn’t see this one coming, not from here anyway…[that’s what he said]

[first, no one helped me with Ricky Ponting.  A little help, folks?] 

Do you know people that are too conservative?  Seriously, guys, lighten up a bit.  I don’t think I stand alone when I say that Tucker Carlson needs to get some, pronto

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However, the biggest issue for me is that there are people in this world who are overly liberal.  Like, the kind of liberal that defies logic.  Par Ejemplo….

My wife was in law school when she found out she was pregnant.  She was sitting in a study lounge with some acquaintances, and one of them, one to which she was certainly not close, upon hearing the good news of wifey’s pregnancy announced, “I’d get an abortion.” 

Excuse me, my friend, no one gives a shit what you would do, because you are not pregnant.  For some people, this pregnancy was exciting and nerve-wracking.  Some people want to nurture their babies so that they have a better chance of being born without complications.  So you, bringing up terminating pregnancies for NO reason but to show just how liberal you are (with your NorthFace jacket….sheep….) is ridiculous.  To no one’s surprise, she was the girl that hung around with friends and all the friends assumed one of the others liked her and so, dealt with it.  As it turns out, no one liked Libby O’Abortsalot.

On the way to school, I got stuck behind a pick-up truck and saw this on the back window.

Why?  The original Icthys, or ‘Jesus Fish'(Go to fullsize image), comes from an Ancient Greek Acrostic that was used as sort of a secret symbol during the Early Roman Empire.  Today, it has become a symbol of Christianity in general.  People put them on cars, jewelry, windows, etc.  It’s not to show off.  It represents something, and if you want to put it on your car, then go for it.  We all know that if anything should be outlawed on cars, it’s that awful White Sox Champs ’05 bullshit.

My problem with the Darwin thing is that it blatantly mocks this symbol, and therefore Christianity.  Maybe I’m overreacting, but I don’t go around making fun of other religions for the hell of it, and I CERTAINLY don’t put symbols mocking other religious symbols on my vehicle.  Races, maybe.  But not religions.  A wise man in an awesome movie once quoted, “You should never talk about politics or religion—you never know who you’re gonna offend.” 

I get that some people don’t like creationism.  It’s a hard concept.  But who really loves Darwin that much?  Are there really people going, “that Jesus was something, but you know who really rocked?  DARWIN!”  or  “That Darwin was a sweet piece of ass.  I love me some eminent British naturalists!”  Fine.  I don’t go around talking about my love for one Thomas Alva Edison, do I?  Well, that often?  No, I do not. 

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No, I’m guessing you don’t care that much about Darwin, but you just wanna stick it to one to those damned religious folks!  It’s those stodgy Christians that are ruining everything in this world.  Them with their messages of peace and love….  If you have a problem with a particular demonination’s beliefs, that’s okay, but don’t desecrate someone’s beliefs because someone told you once that Catholics don’t want gays to marry each other. 

I’m LIBERAL DAMMIT!  I’ll show those religious with this little piece of bent metal!  Take that!

Well you know what, you flaming super-liberals?  I have some news you may not like.  God loves you, too.

Published in: on 1 March 2007 at 9*57 am  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Darwin was the hottest piece of ass around, according to his profile on eHarmony.

  2. Conservative atheists actually exist. I swear – I know some. They’re kind of maddening to us flaming super-pinkos because how can they be so RIGHT and yet so wrong at the same time!? Atheist Bush supporters? It boggles the mind. :)

  3. Hey, man, don’t be knocking My Boy Darwin. Just because he’s not your type…

  4. I’d get the abortion too if I were you. I have an extra coathanger you can borrow.

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